Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency
This command-level awareness course provides the student with the incident management terminology and methodology that is employed during a firefighter emergency. Classroom simulations based on case studies allow students to participate in simulated incident command positions during a firefighter emergency. This course will focus heavily on Command and Control, risk management, effective incident organization, proper ICS, and procedures during a MAYDAY. RIC deployment duties, roles, and responsibilities when activated for a firefighter emergency. Emphasis will also focus on incident cues and recognition of events occurring on an incident to prevent the MAYDAY.
ICS 200- Incident Command System for Initial Response
Company Officer 2D: All Risk Command Operations
No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.
Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.
OCFA employee: Free
Outside agency: $75 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.
Battalion Chief Chuck Fedak
After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.
If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.
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