FAE Development Series - Spring
to Apr 25

FAE Development Series - Spring

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 7 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

FAE Development Series


This 4-day course introduces the position of Fire Apparatus Engineer to OCFA personnel wishing to promote out of the rank of Firefighter. Instruction includes basic apparatus operations, inspection and maintenance, hydraulics, and an overview of the FAE position. This course (or CSFM Driver/Operator 1A/1B) is required to promote to both FAE and FC. At this time, instruction for these classes is classroom based with some manipulative demonstrations.

** Please Note: This class is open to OCFA employees only **




FAE Development Cadre

Dress Code:

Safety Equipment is Required for Class 4. Station uniform, helmet, gloves, and brush coat.



Select Date to Enroll


Select Date to Enroll

class 3

Select Date to Enroll



Select Date to Enroll

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Company Officer 2C, Fire Inspections and Investigations
to Mar 28

Company Officer 2C, Fire Inspections and Investigations

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fire Inspections and Investigations

Company Officer 2C


This course provides information on conducting inspections, identifying hazards and addressing violations, performing a fire investigation to determine preliminary cause and securing the incident scene and preserving evidence.

*Required for OCFA FC promotional test*


Student meets the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No t-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 plus a 2.45% convenience fee that will be processed on the first day of class using an e-check or credit card.


Battalion Chief Chuck Fedak and Fire Captain Scott Kuhlman


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Mastering Fireground Command! (2 Day Course)
to Apr 1

Mastering Fireground Command! (2 Day Course)

  • OCFA RFOTC Classroom 2 and 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This workshop is based on the best-selling Fire Engineering video series by the same name, now for the first time available online.

Command and tactical training is critical to modern officer development. Today’s officers must be excellent leaders and exceptional tacticians. With changes in building construction, tactics, and the latest UL studies regarding fire behavior, modern fireground operations are more complex than ever.

Today’s fireground should be a calm and orchestrated event, but often it is not. Diversified mission, mass attrition, and little or no command training have created an era in today’s fire service where the simple “bread and butter” house fire is a sentinel event.


Anthony Kastros & Staff

intended audience:

OCFA Fire Captains and Battalion Chiefs




The course is free, sponsored by the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee (Cal-JAC).


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.

Dress Code:

Station uniform or staff uniform.


Anthony Kastros & Staff


Please send questions to jasonfairchild@ocfa.org.


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L-952: All-Hazards Position Specific Public Information Officer
to Apr 11

L-952: All-Hazards Position Specific Public Information Officer

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

L-952: All-Hazards Position Specific Public Information Officer


This course is designed for a Public Information Officer (PIO) assigned to an incident as a member of an All-Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT) and local IMTs, as well as for the PIO assigned to an incident as an Assistant PIO in a variety of capacities.

This course will help participants develop a strong set of core PIO skills and the ability to apply them within the context of an AHIMT. This course is also distinct from other information function courses in that it combines elements from both the basic and advanced functions to concentrate training on the fundamental duties and responsibilities of the PIO in an all-hazards environment. The course material does not assume or require experience as a PIO, but also is not a basic PIO course.

This course is an instructor-led training that supports learning through discussion, lecture, and active participation in multiple exercises that provides a realistic, scenario-driven approach to mastering the skills required of a PIO. Exercises, simulations, discussions, and a final exam enable participants to process and apply their new knowledge.

PrerequisiteS to be eligible to receive a FEMA L-952 Certificate:

  • E/G0300, ICS-300: Intermediate Incident Command System for Expanding Incidents;

  • E/G0400, ICS-400: Advanced Incident Command System for Command and General Staff—Complex Incidents;

  • IS-0100.b, Introduction to the Incident Command System, ICS-100;

  • IS-0200.b, Incident Command System for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents;

  • IS-0700.a, National Incident Management System, An Introduction; and

  • IS-0800.b, National Response Framework, An Introduction


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.

Dress Code:

Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Fire Captain Thanh Nguyen


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 

click below to:

Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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S-270, Basic Air Operations
to Apr 9

S-270, Basic Air Operations

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Basic Air Operations



This course covers basic aircraft types and capabilities, aviation management, safety for flying in and working with agency aircraft, tactical and logistical uses of aircraft, and requirements for helicopter take-off and landing areas.

*Required for OCFA BC promotional test*


  • All personnel are encouraged to apply.

  • Recommended: Qualified or Trainee status as an Engine Boss, ICT Type 4, or
    Support Dispatcher (EDSD) or FEMT/FEMP.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


FAE John Keesee


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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S-230/S-231, Crew Boss/Engine Boss (Single Resource)
to Apr 18

S-230/S-231, Crew Boss/Engine Boss (Single Resource)

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Crew Boss/Engine Boss (Single Resource)



This is a classroom course designed to produce student proficiency in the performance of duties associated with the Single Resource Boss position from initial dispatch through demobilization to the home unit. Topics include: operational leadership, preparation and mobilization, assignment preparation, risk management, entrapment avoidance, safety and tactics, off-line duties, demobilization, and post-incident responsibilities. Completion of this class is a required to open a Single Resource Boss Task Book.

*Required for OCFA FC/BC promotional test*


  • Qualified as a Firefighter Type 1

  • S-290: Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior


Backfill, holdover, and overtime are not authorized


Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Firefighter Albert Morales & Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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L-280, Followership to Leadership
to Apr 25

L-280, Followership to Leadership

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Followership to Leadership



This training course is designed as a self-assessment opportunity for individuals preparing to step into a leadership role. The course combines one day of classroom instruction followed by a second day in the field with students working through a series of problem solving events in small teams (Field Leadership Assessment Course). Topics include leadership values and principles, transition challenges for new leaders, situational leadership, team cohesion factors, ethical decision making, and after action review techniques.


Experience on incident assignments in operations or support functions.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Firefighter Paramedic Albert Morales


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Company Officer 2D, All Risk Command Operations
to May 2

Company Officer 2D, All Risk Command Operations

  • USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Risk Command Operations

Company Officer 2D


This course provides information on conducting incident size-up, developing and implementing an initial plan of action involving single and multiunit operations for various types of emergency incidents to mitigate the situation following agency safety procedures, conducting pre-incident planning, and develop and conduct a post-incident analysis. 

*Required for OCFA FC promotional test*


  • ICS-200B;

  • Student meets the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II;

  • Hazardous Material Incident Commander 


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


BC Chuck Fedak


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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CA-219, Wildland Firefighting- Firing Operations (Session 1)
to May 6

CA-219, Wildland Firefighting- Firing Operations (Session 1)

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wildland firefighting- Firing Operations



This course provides information and develops skills required to perform and hold firing operations on wildland fires and prescribed burns. This course contains a mix of online and instructor-led training including live fire exercises. The students will be engaged in wildland firefighting and firing operations. Students are required to complete the online training portion of the course and pre-course quizzes prior to taking the instructor-led training. This course meets and exceeds the objectives of the NWCG S-219 Firing Operations (2014) course.

*Required for OCFA BC*


  • Classroom Instruction: May 5-6, 2025.

  • Controlled Burn Dates: TBD, based on coordination with other agencies and fuel conditions.

  • To earn certification, students must complete both the two classroom instruction days and two burn days (dates to be determined). Attendance on burn days is mandatory for credit.

  • Live fire exercises depend on environmental conditions. If burns cannot proceed as planned, instructors will work with students to arrange alternative completion methods.

    Note: Two classroom sessions are available, but students only need to register for one.


  • NWCG 310-1: Wildland Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1);

  • S-290: Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (classroom only);


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $75 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


OCFA and CPFD Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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CA-219, Wildland Firefighting- Firing Operations (Session 2)
to May 8

CA-219, Wildland Firefighting- Firing Operations (Session 2)

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Wildland firefighting- Firing Operations



This course provides information and develops skills required to perform and hold firing operations on wildland fires and prescribed burns. This course contains a mix of online and instructor-led training including live fire exercises. The students will be engaged in wildland firefighting and firing operations. Students are required to complete the online training portion of the course and pre-course quizzes prior to taking the instructor-led training. This course meets and exceeds the objectives of the NWCG S-219 Firing Operations (2014) course.

*Required for OCFA BC*


  • Classroom Instruction: May 7-8, 2025.

  • Controlled Burn Dates: TBD, based on coordination with other agencies and fuel conditions.

  • To earn certification, students must complete both the two classroom instruction days and two burn days (dates to be determined). Attendance on burn days is mandatory for credit.

  • Live fire exercises depend on environmental conditions. If burns cannot proceed as planned, instructors will work with students to arrange alternative completion methods.

    Note: Two classroom sessions are available, but students only need to register for one.


  • NWCG 310-1: Wildland Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1);

  • S-290: Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (classroom only);


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $75 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


OCFA and CPFD Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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L-954 All Hazards Safety Officer (UASI)
to May 15

L-954 All Hazards Safety Officer (UASI)

All Hazards Safety Officer (UASI)



This course is designed to provide State and local-level emergency responders with a robust understanding of the duties, responsibilities, and capabilities of an effective safety officer on an AHIMT. These responsibilities fall into two categories: (1) responding to the incident and the safety needs of the incident; and (2) effectively fulfilling the position responsibilities of a safety officer on an AHIMT. Exercises, simulations, discussions, and a final exam enable students to process and apply their new knowledge.


Elite Command Training


The class is free of charge and sponsored by UASI. However, UASI funds do not cover backfill, holdover, or overtime for students.


Class enrollment will be limited to the UASI matrix. Enrollment will not be on a first come, first served basis.

Dress Code:

Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals please.

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L-956 All Hazards Liaison Officer (UASI)
to May 20

L-956 All Hazards Liaison Officer (UASI)

L-956 All hazards Liaison Officer (UASI)


This course provides local and state level emergency responders with a robust understanding of the duties, responsibilities, and capabilities of an effective Liaison Officer (LOFR) on an All-Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT). This course support learning through discussion, lecture and active participation in multiple exercises that provides a realistic, scenario-driven approach to mastering the skills required of a LOFR. Exercises, simulations, discussions, and a final exam enable participants to process and apply their new knowledge.


Elite Command Training


The class is free of charge and sponsored by UASI. However, UASI funds do not cover backfill, holdover, or overtime for students.


Class enrollment will be limited to the UASI matrix. Enrollment will not be on a first come, first served basis.

Dress Code:

Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals please.

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L-970 All Hazards Supply Unit Leader (UASI)
to May 23

L-970 All Hazards Supply Unit Leader (UASI)

  • CATF5 US&R Warehouse Classroom 8 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Hazards Supply Unit Leader (UASI)



This course helps participants establish the essential core competencies required for performing the duties of the Supply Unit Leader (SPUL) in an all-hazards incident. By requiring participants to bring jurisdiction-specific information to the instruction, the course provides a realistic, hands-on approach to mastering the skills of an SPUL organized by the fundamental steps of the ordering process. Participants identify information required for ordering, as well as complete required forms and documentation related to ordering, and anticipate ordering and supply needs for the incident. In addition to the ordering process, the course discusses mobilization, setting up and managing the Supply Unit, and demobilization.

This course is an instructor-led training that supports learning through discussion, lecture, and active participation in multiple exercises that provides a realistic, scenario-driven approach to mastering the skills required of a SPUL.

Target Audience

NIMS ICS All-Hazards training should be completed by personnel who are regularly assigned to Functional, Support, or Unit Leader positions on Type 3 or 4 AHIMTs, or by those persons who desire to seek credentials/certification in those positions.

Program Area(s):

  • Incident Command System

  • Response and Recovery

  • Public Works

  • FEMA Logistics

  • FEMA Employee Training


Elite Command Training


The class is free of charge and sponsored by UASI. However, UASI funds do not cover backfill, holdover, or overtime for students.


Class enrollment will be limited to the UASI matrix. Enrollment will not be on a first come, first served basis.

Dress Code:

Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals please.

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Chief Fire Officer 3D: Emergency Service Delivery Responsibilities
to May 23

Chief Fire Officer 3D: Emergency Service Delivery Responsibilities

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This course provides students with a basic knowledge of the emergency service requirements related to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Fire Officer including developing a plan for the integration of fire services resources, developing an agency resource contingency plan, evaluating incident facilities, supervising multiple resources, developing and utilizing an incident action plan, obtaining incident information to facilitate transfer of command, developing and conducting a post-incident analysis, and maintaining incident records.


Meet the educational requirements for Company Officer.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Division Chief Jim Henery


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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I-400, Advanced ICS
to May 23

I-400, Advanced ICS

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Advanced ICS



This course directs the student towards an operational understanding of large single-agency and complex multi-agency/multi-jurisdictional incident responses. Topics include: Fundamentals review for command and general staff, major and/or complex incident/event management, area command, and multi-agency coordination.

*Required for OCFA BC promotional test*


  • ICS 300


Battalion Chief Mike Yeun


Backfill, holdover, and overtime are not authorized


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Instructor 1, Instructional Methodology
to Jun 4

Instructor 1, Instructional Methodology

  • CATF5 US&R WAREHOUSE Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Instructional Methodology

Instructor 1


This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the entry level professional instructor to perform his or her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The curriculum is based on the 2012 edition of NFPA 1041 Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications. At the end of this course, candidates for Instructor 1 certification will be able to teach and deliver instruction from a prepared lesson plan utilizing instructional aids and evaluation instruments. The Instructor 1 will also be able to adapt a lesson plan and complete the reporting requirements to the local jurisdiction.


Class is split into two weeks

  • Week 1: May 27-28

  • Week 2: June 3-4


  • IS-100.B- Introduction to the Incident Command System OR

  • IS-700.A- National Incident Management System


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Fire Captain Brett Pearson + Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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L-971 All Hazards Facilities Unit Leader  (UASI)
to Jun 6

L-971 All Hazards Facilities Unit Leader (UASI)

  • Fullerton Fire Dept Station #6 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Hazards Facilities Unit Leader (UASI)



The course will help participants establish the essential core competencies required for performing the duties of the Facilities Unit Leader (FACL) in an all-hazards incident. The course walks participants through general information, including an overview of the Logistics Section and information on incident mobilization, initial situational awareness, and unit management. It also provides detailed instruction in setting up and maintaining incident facilities, including facilities infrastructure, services, layout, and security.

This course is an instructor-led training that supports learning through discussion, lecture, and active participation in multiple exercises that provides a realistic, scenario-driven approach to mastering the skills required of a FACL. Each unit contains a discussion-based exercise and there is a capstone tabletop exercise at the end of the course to give participants hands-on practice functioning as an FACL.

Target Audience

NIMS ICS All-Hazards training should be completed by personnel who are regularly assigned to Functional, Support, or Unit Leader positions on Type 3 or 4 AHIMTs, or by those persons who desire to seek credentials/certification in those positions.

Program Area(s):

  • Incident Command System

  • Individual Assistance - State

  • Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning

  • Response and Recovery

  • FEMA Disaster Field Training Operations

  • FEMA Logistics

  • FEMA Employee Training


Elite Command Training


The class is free of charge and sponsored by UASI. However, UASI funds do not cover backfill, holdover, or overtime for students..


Class enrollment will be limited to the UASI matrix. Enrollment will not be on a first come, first served basis.

Dress Code:

Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals please.

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L-964 All Hazards Situation Unit Leader (UASI)
to Jun 13

L-964 All Hazards Situation Unit Leader (UASI)

  • Fullerton Fire Dept, Station #6 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Hazards Situation Unit Leader (UASI)



This course helps participants establish the essential core competencies required for performing the duties of the Situation Unit Leader (SITL) in an all-hazards incident. This course addresses all responsibilities appropriate to an SITL operating in a local-or state-level All-Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT). These responsibilities include processing information and intelligence and developing displays.

This course is an instructor-led training that supports learning through discussion, lecture, and active participation in multiple exercises that provides a realistic, scenario-driven approach to mastering the skills required of an SITL. By requiring participants to bring an SITL Kit to the instruction, the course provides a realistic, hands-on approach to mastering the skills of an SITL.

Target Audience

NIMS ICS All-Hazards training should be completed by personnel who are regularly assigned to Functional, Support, or Unit Leader positions on Type 3 or 4 AHIMTs, or by those persons who desire to seek credentials/certification in those positions.

Program Area(s):

  • Incident Command System

  • Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning

  • FEMA Planning

  • FEMA Employee Training


Elite Command Training


The class is free of charge and sponsored by UASI. However, UASI funds do not cover backfill, holdover, or overtime for students.


Class enrollment will be limited to the UASI matrix. Enrollment will not be on a first come, first served basis

Dress Code:

Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals please.

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Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency
to Jun 13

Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency


This command-level awareness course provides the student with the incident management terminology and methodology that is employed during a firefighter emergency. Classroom simulations based on case studies allow students to participate in simulated incident command positions during a firefighter emergency. This course will focus heavily on Command and Control, risk management, effective incident organization, proper ICS, and procedures during a MAYDAY. RIC deployment duties, roles, and responsibilities when activated for a firefighter emergency. Emphasis will also focus on incident cues and recognition of events occurring on an incident to prevent the MAYDAY.


  • ICS 200- Incident Command System for Initial Response

  • Company Officer 2D: All Risk Command Operations


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $75 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Battalion Chief Chuck Fedak


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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L-965 All Hazards Resources Unit Leader (UASI)
to Jun 19

L-965 All Hazards Resources Unit Leader (UASI)

  • CATF US&R Warehouse Classroom 8 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All Hazards Resources Unit Leader (UASI)



This course provides an overview of Resource Unit Leader (RESL) responsibilities, the Planning Section, and the planning process to contextualize the Resources Unit for participants unfamiliar with the planning process or the Incident Command System. It then explores specific Resources Unit Leader functions and responsibilities including resource tracking systems, operational planning, and resource products/outputs. The Status/Check-in and Demobilization functions are covered to provide participants with the knowledge to perform those duties if necessary.

This course is an instructor-led training that supports learning through discussion, lecture, and active participation in multiple exercises that provides a realistic, scenario-driven approach to mastering the skills required of an RESL. Exercises/simulations, discussions, and a final exam enable participants to process and apply their new knowledge.

Program Area(s):

  • Incident Command System

  • Multi-Hazard Mitigation Planning

  • Response and Recovery

  • FEMA Planning

  • FEMA Employee Training


Elite Command Training


The class is free of charge and sponsored by UASI. However, UASI funds do not cover backfill, holdover, or overtime for students.


Class enrollment will be limited to the UASI matrix. Enrollment will not be on a first come, first served basis.

Dress Code:

Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals please.

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Company Officer 2A, Human Resource Management
to Jun 27

Company Officer 2A, Human Resource Management

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Human Resource Management

Company Officer 2A


This course provides information on the use of human resources to accomplish assignments, evaluating member performance, supervising personnel, and integrating health and safety plans, policies, and procedures into daily activities as well as the emergency scene.

*Required for OCFA FC promotional test*


Student meets the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Battalion Chief Brett Buffington


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Instructor 2, Instructional Development
to Jul 10

Instructor 2, Instructional Development

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Instructional Development

Instructor 2


This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the intermediate-level professional instructor to perform his or her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The curriculum is based on the 2012 edition of NFPA 1041 Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications. At the end of this course, candidates for Instructor 2 certification will be able to develop lesson plans and evaluation instruments, teach and deliver instruction, and evaluate and coach other instructors. Instructor 2 will also be able to analyze resources and formulate a program budget.


Class is split into two weeks

  • Week 1: July 1-2

  • Week 2: July 9-10


  • Instructor 1, Instructional Methodology (Historical Recognition for Fire Instructor 1A/1B does not count towards this prerequisite)


Backfill, holdover, and overtime are not authorized.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 plus a 2.45% convenience fee that will be processed on the first day of class.


Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Fire Captain Brett Pearson


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Fire Investigation 1A- Basic Fire Investigation
to Sep 12

Fire Investigation 1A- Basic Fire Investigation

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fire Investigation 1A


This course provides information on securing the fire scene and determining the origin and cause of the fire. Topics include responsibilities of a fire investigator, securing the fire ground, conducting an exterior and interior survey, analyzing fire patterns, interpreting individual fire patterns, discriminating the effects of explosions, examining and removing fire debris, reconstructing the area of origin, inspecting the performance of building systems.


  • For burn day (September 19) - Brush coat, hand and eye protection, helmet, protective footwear

  • Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet for course participation. A smartphone is not an appropriate tool for this course.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Fire Captain Scott Kuhlman


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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N-9025, Tactical Decision Making
to Sep 12

N-9025, Tactical Decision Making

  • OCFA- RFOTC, Classroom #2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

FC & BC Development Course



*All new risk simulation content added to support professional growth and promotional opportunities.*

The intent of the course is to increase the student’s knowledge of strategies and tactics for emergency incidents and help identify strengths and weaknesses.  This training will be presented through incident simulations utilizing a variety of mediums, including the Fire Studio program and sand table manipulative exercises. This class will continue to be offered twice yearly as the department’s preparatory class for the tactical portion of the Fire Captain and Battalion Chief promotional processes.


This course is open to OCFA Career Firefighters only, and intended for potential Fire Captain and Battalion Chief promotional candidates.




No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


BC Chuck Fedak & Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Fire Investigation 1B- Evidence and Documentation
to Oct 10

Fire Investigation 1B- Evidence and Documentation

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fire Investigation 1B


This course provides information on scene documentation and evidence collection/preservation. Topics include photographing the scene, diagramming the scene, constructing investigative notes, processing evidence and establishing chain of custody, processing victims and fatalities, selecting evidence for analysis, maintaining a chain of custody, preparing a fire investigation report, and disposing of evidence. The NFPA 1033 Standard for Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications is the basis for this course.


Fire Investigation 1A- Basic Fire Investigations


  • For burn day (October 9) - Brush coat, hand and eye protection, helmet, protective footwear

  • Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet for course participation. A smartphone is not an appropriate tool for this course.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Fire Captain Scott Kuhlman


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Fire Investigation 1C- Preparation for Legal Proceedings
to Nov 21

Fire Investigation 1C- Preparation for Legal Proceedings

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fire Investigation 1C


This course provides information on legal considerations for a court proceeding. Topics include coordinating expert resources, formulating an opinion, presenting investigative findings, and testifying during legal proceedings. The NFPA 1033 Standard for Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications is the basis for this course.


  • Fire Investigation 1A- Basic Fire Investigations

  • Fire Investigation 1B- Evidence and Documentation


Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet for course participation. A smartphone is not an appropriate tool for this course.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Fire Captain Scott Kuhlman


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Chief Officer 3C: General Administration Functions
to Mar 19

Chief Officer 3C: General Administration Functions

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This course provides students with a basic knowledge of the administration requirements related to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Fire Officer including directing a department record management system, analyzing and interpreting records and data, developing a model plan for continuous organizational improvement, developing a plan to facilitate approval, preparing community awareness programs, and evaluating the inspection program of the AHJ.


Meet the educational requirements for Company Officer.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No t-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Division Chief Jim Henery


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Company Officer 2E / S-215, Wildland Incident Operations
to Mar 14

Company Officer 2E / S-215, Wildland Incident Operations

Wildland Incident Operations

Company Officer 2E/S-215


This course provides information on evaluating and reporting incident conditions, analyzing incident needs, developing and implementing a plan of action to deploy incident resources completing all operations to suppress a wildland fire, establishing an incident command post, creating an incident action plan, and completing incident records and reports.

*Required for OCFA FC promotional test*

Satisfies both CSFM & CICCS Requirements


  • This course has received approval from the State Fire Training office, allowing it to be taken out of sequence prior to Company Officer 2D.

  • Student meets the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II 

  • S-290


BC Nathan Arellano


Backfill, holdover, and overtime are not authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No shorts, t-shirts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 plus a 2.45% convenience fee that will be processed on the first day of class using an e-check or credit card.


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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I-300, Intermediate ICS
to Mar 7

I-300, Intermediate ICS

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 1 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Intermediate ICS



This course provides description and detail of the Incident Command System (ICS) organization and operations in supervisory roles on expanding or Type 3 incidents. Topics include: ICS fundamentals review, incident/event assessment and agency guidance in establishing incident objectives, Unified Command, incident resource management, planning process, demobilization, transfer of command, and close out.

*Required for OCFA FC/BC promotional test*


  • ICS-100- Introduction to the Incident Command System

  • ICS 200- Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Battalion Chief Mike Yeun


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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S-390, Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations
to Mar 7

S-390, Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior Calculations



This course is designed to introduce fire behavior calculations by manual methods, using nomograms and the Fire Behavior Handbook Appendix B. Students gain an understanding of the determinants of fire behavior though studying inputs (weather, slope, fuels, and fuel moisture). Students also learn how to interpret fire behavior outputs, documentation processes, and fire behavior briefing components.

*Required for Division/Group Supervisor*


  • S-290: Introduction to Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No sandals.


Retired OCFA FC Jeff Shelton and Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Hazardous Material Incident Commander
to Feb 28

Hazardous Material Incident Commander

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Hazardous Material Incident Commander


This course provides the tools a person needs to assume control of an emergency response to a hazardous materials incident. Instructional methods will include class activities, case studies and table-top exercises with an emphasis on hands-on decision making. Course topics include: laws and regulations, hazard assessment, ICS team typing, protective actions, haz mat site safety, operational risk management, and incident termination.

*Required as a prerequisite for Company Officer 2D*


  • Hazmat First Responder Operations (FRO)


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals


FC Curt Corbin


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 



Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Chief Fire Officer 3B: Budget and Fiscal Responsibilities
to Feb 21

Chief Fire Officer 3B: Budget and Fiscal Responsibilities

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This course provides students with a basic knowledge of the budgeting requirements related to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Fire Officer including developing a budget management system, developing a division or departmental budget, and describing the process for ensuring competitive bidding.


Meet the educational requirements for Company Officer.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 plus a 2.45% convenience fee that will be processed on the first day of class using an e-check or credit card.


Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Division Chief Jim Henery


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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S-290, Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior
to Feb 14

S-290, Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior



This is a classroom-based skills course designed to prepare the prospective fireline supervisor to undertake safe and effective fire management operations. It is the second course in a series that collectively develops fire behavior prediction knowledge and skills. Fire environment differences are discussed as necessary; the instructor should stress local conditions. There will be mandatory pre-coursework and a qualifying exam associated with this class.

*Classroom version required for OCFA BC and FC promotional tests and any overhead position*


  • S-190: Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior

  • Successfully complete mandatory pre-coursework


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


OCFA FC Jeff Shelton and Cadre


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


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Company Officer 2B, General Administrative Functions
to Feb 6

Company Officer 2B, General Administrative Functions

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

General Administrative Functions

Company Officer 2B


This course provides information on general administrative functions and the implementation of department policies and procedures and addresses conveying the fire department’s role, image, and mission to the public. 

*Required for OCFA FC promotional test*


Student meets the educational requirements for Fire Fighter II


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Battalion Chief Brett Buffington


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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AH-330 Strike Team/Task Force Leader All Risk
to Feb 6

AH-330 Strike Team/Task Force Leader All Risk

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Strike Team/Task Force Leader All Risk



**Full curriculum of the class.**

This course is designed to provide the skills and knowledge needed to perform in the position of Strike Team/Task Force Leader. Topics include position overview; pre-deployment responsibilities; concept of the position; resource typing standards; pre-dispatch preparation; incident responsibilities; administration; supervision; response; assignment; demobilization; tactics and safety; risk management; entrapment avoidance; WUI; case studies; scenarios; appropriate action vs. freelancing.

This course is designed to be presented in a lecture/discussion format with group exercises.  This course meets the AH-330 training requirements of the California Incident Command Certification System (CICCS) for the position of Strike Team Leader-All Risk. This course does not cover agency specific issues in detail.

*Required for OCFA BC promotional test*


  • ICS I-300- Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents

  • S-290- Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.

Dress Code:

Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $75 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Battalion Chief Nathan Arellano


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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to Feb 5

L-960 All Hazards Division/Group Supervisor

All Hazards Division/Group Supervisor



The course will provide local- and state-level emergency responders with a robust understanding of the duties, responsibilities, and capabilities of an effective Division/Group Supervisor on an All-Hazards Incident Management Team (AHIMT). The course walks participants through general information, including an overview of the Operations Section and information on incident mobilization, initial situational awareness, and unit management. It also provides detailed instructions on responding to the incident and the command needs of the incident and emphasizes the importance of risk management and safety considerations.

This course is an instructor-led training that supports learning through discussion, lecture, and active participation in multiple exercises that provide a realistic, scenario-driven approach to mastering the skills required of a Supervisor.

This course teaches the student the management skills necessary to fill the position of Division/Group Supervisor within the framework of ICS & CICCS.  You’ll learn the necessary leadership and management techniques to include: Administrative, Safety, Communication, and Operational responsibilities to include: (S.P.O.R.T.) – Situation – Priorities – Objectives – Resources – Territory


  • I-200

  • ICS-300

  • ICS-400 (Desired)

  • IS-700

  • IS-800b


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.

Dress Code:

Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Elite Command Training


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Ethical Leadership for Instructors
8:30 AM08:30

Ethical Leadership for Instructors


This course provides the knowledge and skills needed to identify the value of ethical behavior in instructional settings, describe how ethical norms influence individual ethics, identify a personal ethical perspective and core values and how they impact communication and ethical decision-making, and make an ethical decision using an ethical decision-making model, in order to assist in making ethical decisions when faced with an ethical dilemma in an instructional setting and carry out the roles and responsibilities of an SFT instructor in an ethical manner.




Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet for course participation. A smartphone is not an appropriate tool for this course.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.

Dress Code:

Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $75 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Division Chief Jim Henery


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Chief Officer 3A: Human Resource Management for Fire Chief Officers
to Jan 30

Chief Officer 3A: Human Resource Management for Fire Chief Officers

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This course provides students with a basic knowledge of the human resources requirements related to the roles and responsibilities of a Chief Fire Officer including developing plans for providing employee accommodation, developing hiring procedures, establishing personnel assignments, describing methods of facilitating and encouraging professional development, developing an ongoing education training program, developing promotion procedures, developing proposals for improving employee benefits, and developing a measurable accident and injury prevention program.


Meet the educational requirements for Company Officer.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No t-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Division Chief Jim Henery


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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FAE Development Series - Winter
to Feb 21

FAE Development Series - Winter

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 7 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

FAE Development Series


This 4-day course introduces the position of Fire Apparatus Engineer to OCFA personnel wishing to promote out of the rank of Firefighter. Instruction includes basic apparatus operations, inspection and maintenance, hydraulics, and an overview of the FAE position. This course (or CSFM Driver/Operator 1A/1B) is required to promote to both FAE and FC. At this time, instruction for these classes is classroom based with some manipulative demonstrations.

** Please Note: This class is open to OCFA employees only **




FAE Development Cadre

Dress Code:

Safety Equipment is Required for Class 4. Station uniform, helmet, gloves, and brush coat.



Select Date to Enroll


Select Date to Enroll

class 3

Select Date to Enroll



Select Date to Enroll

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RT-372, Helicopter Manager *REFRESHER*
to Jan 23

RT-372, Helicopter Manager *REFRESHER*

  • OCFA Fire Station 41 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Helicopter MANAGER


This course is a REFRESHER on performing the job of helicopter manager, and is required every 3 years.

Through simulation and exercises, students obtain the skill to competently and safely manage a helicopter to support incident and project helicopter operations.

Who Can Attend:

Current OCFA rescuers and crew chiefs. Current qualified OCFA or outside agency Helicopter Manager (HMGB) qualified or trainee members working within the Air Operations ICS qualification track.


  • HMGB qualified/trainee

Dress Code:

Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


OCFA FAE Jonathan Keesee


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Regional Instructor Orientation (RIO) & Certification Examination Evaluator Training (CEET)
9:00 AM09:00

Regional Instructor Orientation (RIO) & Certification Examination Evaluator Training (CEET)


The RIO course is designed to provide instructors who will deliver SFT training programs with an overview of State Fire Training, CFSTES, and FSTEP, instructor registration requirements, instructor responsibilities, and accountability, how to schedule and return courses, and the SFT Procedures Manual.

The CEET course provides in-depth instruction on the registration requirements for Registered Lead Evaluators and Skills Evaluators, processes and procedures to request and successfully deliver both written and skills certification examinations, and information on transitioning from instructor to evaluator.

**Flexibility to take these courses either individually or as a combined package.

The RIO curriculum will be covered in the morning from 9 am - 1 pm (AM session),

and the CEET curriculum in the afternoon from 2 pm - 6 pm (PM session).**

*NEW* RIO Prerequisite:

  • Instructor 1 course completion, or equivalent. Students without course completion will be excused from class.


Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet for course participation. A smartphone is NOT an appropriate tool for this course.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee for credit card payments.

  • The combined fee for RIO and CEET is $230, or if registered separately, $150 for RIO and $80 for CEET.


Deputy State Fire Marshal Caryn Petty


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.



Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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FDNY: Cornerstones of Leadership for Real World Success - On and Off the Fireground
9:00 AM09:00

FDNY: Cornerstones of Leadership for Real World Success - On and Off the Fireground

Cornerstones of Leadership for Real World Success - On and Off the Fireground


Join us with recently retired FDNY Chief Leeb as he shares over 40 years of leadership wisdom from his remarkable fire service journey. Delving into his philosophy centered around training, teamwork, and mentorship, Chief Leeb will discuss the foundational principles that guided him as he rose through the ranks of the FDNY. These principles, encapsulated in his book "Cornerstones of Leadership, On and Off the Fireground," extend beyond the fire service, offering valuable insights applicable to anyone looking to improve in any profession. During this presentation, Chief Leeb will showcase multiple case studies, drawing from real-life fire and emergency incidents where he was personally on the scene. He will emphasize the importance of the winning mindset, playing to win, training, teamwork, fire ground strategy and tactics, extinguishment, search, and safety cultures and how they coexist for optimal outcomes. A winning mindset dedicated to preparation starts with you. Because on game day, the time to prepare is over. Are you ready to embrace the cornerstones of leadership? Join us and be prepared for the possible!


Frank Leeb , Assistant Chief FDNY (Retired)


The seminar is free, sponsored by the California Firefighter Joint Apprenticeship Committee (Cal-JAC).

Lunch will be provided for registered participants. Additionally, the first 100 registrants will receive a free copy of book.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.

Dress Code:

Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Please send questions to jocelyncasillas@ocfa.org.


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S-236, Heavy Equipment Boss
to Dec 19

S-236, Heavy Equipment Boss

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Heavy Equipment Boss


This is a skill course designed to meet the training needs of a Heavy Equipment Boss, Single Resource (HEQB) on an incident as outlined in the NIMS: Wildland Fire Qualification System Guide, PMS 310-1, and the position task book developed for the position. Primary considerations are tactical use and safety precautions required to establish and maintain an effective dozer operation. A field exercise is required as part of the course.

** Please Note: December 16, 17, 19 are classroom days; there will be a field day on December 18**


  • Identify the administrative duties and procedures required of an HEQB.

  • Identify and demonstrate the heavy equipment inspection process and related duties of an HEQB.

  • Demonstrate the actions required of an HEQB to safely and effectively complete an assignment.

  • Discuss relevant information and methods for communication and tactics related to heavy equipment.

  • Identify the process of preparing for an all-hazard assignment.


  • Qualified as a NWCG Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1)

  • Satisfactory completion of pre-course work


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.

Dress Code:

Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Alan Perrault, Heavy Equipment Operator


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Instructor 1, Instructional Methodology
to Dec 18

Instructor 1, Instructional Methodology

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Instructional Methodology

Instructor 1


This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the entry level professional instructor to perform his or her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The curriculum is based on the 2012 edition of NFPA 1041 Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications. At the end of this course, candidates for Instructor 1 certification will be able to teach and deliver instruction from a prepared lesson plan utilizing instructional aids and evaluation instruments. The Instructor 1 will also be able to adapt a lesson plan and complete the reporting requirements to the local jurisdiction.


Class is split into two weeks

  • Week 1: December 11 and 12

  • Week 2: December 17 and 18


  • IS-100.B- Introduction to the Incident Command System OR

  • IS-700.A- National Incident Management System


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Fire Captain Brett Pearson + Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Fire Investigation 1C- Preparation for Legal Proceedings
to Nov 8

Fire Investigation 1C- Preparation for Legal Proceedings

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fire Investigation 1C


This course provides information on legal considerations for a court proceeding. Topics include coordinating expert resources, formulating an opinion, presenting investigative findings, and testifying during legal proceedings. The NFPA 1033 Standard for Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications is the basis for this course.


  • Fire Investigation 1A- Basic Fire Investigations

  • Fire Investigation 1B- Evidence and Documentation


Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet for course participation. A smartphone is not an appropriate tool for this course.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No sandals.


$140 plus a 2.45% convenience fee for non-OCFA students, and will be processed on the first day of class.


Fire Captain Scott Kuhlman


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Fire Investigation 1B- Evidence and Documentation
to Oct 17

Fire Investigation 1B- Evidence and Documentation

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fire Investigation 1B


This course provides information on scene documentation and evidence collection/preservation. Topics include photographing the scene, diagramming the scene, constructing investigative notes, processing evidence and establishing chain of custody, processing victims and fatalities, selecting evidence for analysis, maintaining a chain of custody, preparing a fire investigation report, and disposing of evidence. The NFPA 1033 Standard for Fire Investigator Professional Qualifications is the basis for this course.


Fire Investigation 1A- Basic Fire Investigations


  • For burn day (October 16) - Brush coat, hand and eye protection, helmet, protective footwear

  • Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet for course participation. A smartphone is not an appropriate tool for this course.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No sandals.


$140 plus a 2.45% convenience fee for non-OCFA students, and will be processed on the first day of class.


Fire Captain Scott Kuhlman


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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N-9025, Tactical Decision Making
to Oct 4

N-9025, Tactical Decision Making

  • OCFA- RFOTC, Classroom #2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

FC & BC Development Course



*All new risk simulation content added to support professional growth and promotional opportunities.*

The intent of the course is to increase the student’s knowledge of strategies and tactics for emergency incidents and help identify strengths and weaknesses.  This training will be presented through incident simulations utilizing a variety of mediums, including the Fire Studio program and sand table manipulative exercises. This class will continue to be offered twice yearly as the department’s preparatory class for the tactical portion of the Fire Captain and Battalion Chief promotional processes.


This course is open to OCFA Career Firefighters only, and intended for potential Fire Captain and Battalion Chief promotional candidates.




No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No sandals.


BC Chuck Fedak & Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency
to Sep 20

Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 3 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency


This command-level awareness course provides the student with the incident management terminology and methodology that is employed during a firefighter emergency. Classroom simulations based on case studies allow students to participate in simulated incident command positions during a firefighter emergency. This course will focus heavily on Command and Control, risk management, effective incident organization, proper ICS, and procedures during a MAYDAY. RIC deployment duties, roles, and responsibilities when activated for a firefighter emergency. Emphasis will also focus on incident cues and recognition of events occurring on an incident to prevent the MAYDAY.


  • ICS 200- Incident Command System for Initial Response

  • Company Officer 2D: All Risk Command Operations


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $75 plus a 2.45% convenience fee that will be processed on the first day of class.


Battalion Chief Chuck Fedak


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Fire Investigation 1A- Basic Fire Investigation
to Sep 20

Fire Investigation 1A- Basic Fire Investigation

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Fire Investigation 1A


This course provides information on securing the fire scene and determining the origin and cause of the fire. Topics include responsibilities of a fire investigator, securing the fire ground, conducting an exterior and interior survey, analyzing fire patterns, interpreting individual fire patterns, discriminating the effects of explosions, examining and removing fire debris, reconstructing the area of origin, inspecting the performance of building systems.


  • For burn day (September 19) - Brush coat, hand and eye protection, helmet, protective footwear

  • Students are required to bring a laptop or tablet for course participation. A smartphone is not an appropriate tool for this course.


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No sandals.


$140 plus a 2.45% convenience fee for non-OCFA students, and will be processed on the first day of class.


Fire Captain Scott Kuhlman


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Instructor 1, Instructional Methodology
to Sep 5

Instructor 1, Instructional Methodology

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Instructional Methodology

Instructor 1


This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the entry level professional instructor to perform his or her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The curriculum is based on the 2012 edition of NFPA 1041 Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications. At the end of this course, candidates for Instructor 1 certification will be able to teach and deliver instruction from a prepared lesson plan utilizing instructional aids and evaluation instruments. The Instructor 1 will also be able to adapt a lesson plan and complete the reporting requirements to the local jurisdiction.


Class is split into two weeks

  • Week 1: August 28 and 29

  • Week 2: September 4 and 5


  • IS-100.B- Introduction to the Incident Command System OR

  • IS-700.A- National Incident Management System


Fire Captain Brett Pearson + Cadre


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No t-shirt, shorts, or sandals


The non-OCFA student course fee is $140, plus a 2.45% convenience fee that will be processed on the first day of class using e-check or credit card.


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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S-230/S-231, Crew Boss/Engine Boss (Single Resource)
to Aug 23

S-230/S-231, Crew Boss/Engine Boss (Single Resource)

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Crew Boss/Engine Boss (Single Resource)



This is a classroom course designed to produce student proficiency in the performance of duties associated with the Single Resource Boss position from initial dispatch through demobilization to the home unit. Topics include: operational leadership, preparation and mobilization, assignment preparation, risk management, entrapment avoidance, safety and tactics, off-line duties, demobilization, and post-incident responsibilities. Completion of this class is a required to open a Single Resource Boss Task Book.

*Required for OCFA FC/BC promotional test*


  • Qualified as a Firefighter Type 1

  • S-290: Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior


Backfill, holdover, and overtime are not authorized


Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Firefighter Albert Morales & Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings. 


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency
to Aug 16

Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency

  • OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Incident Management of the Firefighter Emergency


This command-level awareness course provides the student with the incident management terminology and methodology that is employed during a firefighter emergency. Classroom simulations based on case studies allow students to participate in simulated incident command positions during a firefighter emergency. This course will focus heavily on Command and Control, risk management, effective incident organization, proper ICS, and procedures during a MAYDAY. RIC deployment duties, roles, and responsibilities when activated for a firefighter emergency. Emphasis will also focus on incident cues and recognition of events occurring on an incident to prevent the MAYDAY.


  • ICS 200- Incident Command System for Initial Response

  • Company Officer 2D: All Risk Command Operations


No backfill, holdover, or overtime authorized.


Station uniform or business casual. No sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $75 plus a 2.45% convenience fee that will be processed on the first day of class.


Battalion Chief Chuck Fedak


If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org

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CA-219, Wildland Firefighting- Firing Operations
to Jun 22

CA-219, Wildland Firefighting- Firing Operations

Wildland firefighting- Firing Operations



This course provides information and develops skills required to perform and hold firing operations on wildland fires and prescribed burns. This course contains a mix of online and instructor-led training including live fire exercises. The students will be engaged in wildland firefighting and firing operations. Students are required to complete the online training portion of the course and pre-course quizzes prior to taking the instructor-led training. This course meets and exceeds the objectives of the NWCG S-219 Firing Operations (2014) course.

*Required for OCFA BC*


  • Classroom instruction: June 19 and 20, 2024.

  • Controlled burn dates: June 21 and 22, 2024.

  • Attendance is mandatory for burn dates to earn credit.

  • Live fire is subject to environmental conditions. Instructors will work with students to identify alternative completion methods if burns are not possible.


  • NWCG 310-1: Wildland Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1);

  • S-290: Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (classroom only);


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No t-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $75 plus a 2.45% convenience fee that will be processed on the first day of class using an e-check or credit card.


OCFA and CPFD Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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LAFD: Boyd Street Incident Presentation
9:00 AM09:00

LAFD: Boyd Street Incident Presentation


on THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2024


On Saturday, May 16, 2020, at around 18:38 hours, twelve (12) firefighters from the Los Angeles City Fire Department (LAFD) sustained injuries during a catastrophic fire incident at a one-story commercial structure fire located at 327 East Boyd Street in the Skid Row area of downtown Los Angeles. A sudden fire phenomenon occurred with little warning, engulfing firefighters in a significant and prolonged fireball. This event occurred as they were descending an aerial ladder and abandoning ventilation operations while several others were retreating from interior fire attack positions.

The incident is presented in a three-part series, walking attendees through the timeline of events, the ongoing fire suppression efforts, and the harrowing Mayday event. These perspectives are shared through personal video recordings and official incident communications, providing an immersive experience as seen through the eyes of the firefighters involved. The ensuing discussions cover the risk management tools utilized and the valuable lessons gleaned from the incident. The presentation culminates with an exploration of the firefighter recovery process, encompassing the cumulative behavioral health effects endured. Finally, recommendations are offered to support firefighters in a holistic approach to recovery following such traumatic events.


Los Angeles City Fire Department, Battalion Chief Victor Aguirre shares his perspective as the Truck Captain on the incident.


  • Thursday, June 13, 2024 - AM Session: 0900 - 1200 *NO TICKETS AVAILABLE*

  • Thursday, June 13, 2024 - PM Session: 1300 - 1600 *LIMITED TICKETS AVAILABLE*

Intended Audience:

Open to All OCFA personnel and outside agency members.

***If you cannot attend after registration, please cancel using the Eventbrite email link.***


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.

Dress Code:

Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Please direct questions to jocelyncasillas@ocfa.org.


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Instructor 2, Instructional Development
to Jun 21

Instructor 2, Instructional Development

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Instructional Development

Instructor 2


This course provides the skills and knowledge needed for the intermediate-level professional instructor to perform his or her duties safely, effectively, and competently. The curriculum is based on the 2012 edition of NFPA 1041 Standard for Fire Service Instructor Professional Qualifications. At the end of this course, candidates for Instructor 2 certification will be able to develop lesson plans and evaluation instruments, teach and deliver instruction, and evaluate and coach other instructors. Instructor 2 will also be able to analyze resources and formulate a program budget.

** Class will be on a 4/10 schedule, with a late start on day one (0900 hours) to allow for personnel to arrive on time from their stations. Class dates are: June 13, 14 and June 20, 21.


  • Instructor 1, Instructional Methodology (Historical Recognition for Fire Instructor 1A/1B does not count towards this prerequisite)


Backfill, holdover, and overtime are not authorized.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $140 plus a 2.45% convenience fee that will be processed on the first day of class.


Station or Staff Uniform or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Fire Captain Brett Pearson and Fire Captain Chris Johns


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


Direct questions to: trainingcenter@ocfa.org.

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Charleston 9 Presentation: On a Mission
9:00 AM09:00

Charleston 9 Presentation: On a Mission

Charleston 9 - Post Traumatic Stress, Suicide Prevention, Behavioral Health

on Monday, MAY 20, 2024


On June 18, 2007, nine firefighters perished in a warehouse fire in Charleston, SC. What was initially dispatched as a trash fire escalated into one of the most scrutinized events in nation fire service history. David has the unfortunate experience of being the engineer on the first due engine that day. As he operated on the fireground, he witnessed things that he will never forget.

This seminar will present:

  • First-hand accounts of that day.

  • Never before seen video footage with radio traffic.

  • Initial resistance to the changes following the tragedy.

  • The heavy toll that this catastrophic event took on David's life.

  • The incredible changes that he and the CFD have made.

  • Dr. Griffin's scientific research regarding the change process following this event.

  • Details from the coinciding Best Selling Book, In Honor of The Charleston 9: A Study of Change Following Tragedy.


Dr. David Griffin- https://www.drdavidgriffin.com/


  • Monday, May 20, 2024 - AM Session: 0900 - 1200

  • Monday, May 20, 2024 - PM Session: 1300 - 1600

Intended Audience:

Open to All OCFA personnel and outside agency members.

***If you cannot attend after registration, please cancel using the Eventbrite email link.***


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.

Dress Code:

Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No t-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


Please send questions to jocelyncasillas@ocfa.org.


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