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CA-219, Wildland Firefighting- Firing Operations (Session 1)

  • CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9 19682 Descartes Lake Forest, CA, 92610 United States (map)

Wildland firefighting- Firing Operations



This course provides information and develops skills required to perform and hold firing operations on wildland fires and prescribed burns. This course contains a mix of online and instructor-led training including live fire exercises. The students will be engaged in wildland firefighting and firing operations. Students are required to complete the online training portion of the course and pre-course quizzes prior to taking the instructor-led training. This course meets and exceeds the objectives of the NWCG S-219 Firing Operations (2014) course.

*Required for OCFA BC*


  • Classroom Instruction: May 5-6, 2025.

  • Controlled Burn Dates: TBD, based on coordination with other agencies and fuel conditions.

  • To earn certification, students must complete both the two classroom instruction days and two burn days (dates to be determined). Attendance on burn days is mandatory for credit.

  • Live fire exercises depend on environmental conditions. If burns cannot proceed as planned, instructors will work with students to arrange alternative completion methods.

    Note: Two classroom sessions are available, but students only need to register for one.


  • NWCG 310-1: Wildland Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1);

  • S-290: Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (classroom only);


No backfill, holdover, or overtime is authorized.


Station uniform, staff uniform, or business casual. No T-shirts, shorts, or sandals.


  • OCFA employee: Free

  • Outside agency: $75 - The course fee will be processed on the first day of class via e-check or credit card, with a 2.45% convenience fee applied to credit card payments.


OCFA and CPFD Cadre


After submitting your registration, you will be placed on a waiting list while we review all attendees. Once your registration is approved, you will receive a confirmation email with relevant course information.

If a student is accepted into the class but becomes unable to attend, it is expected that they provide prompt advance notice of the cancellation, thereby allowing others the opportunity to participate. Failure to provide appropriate notification will result in the issuance of a "No Call/No Show Report" to the Training Chief of their respective agency. This information will be diligently monitored to assess attendance for future class offerings.


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