the fire captain
prepare yourself for the job.
Then prepare yourself for the test.
written exam
Written exam - 10%
The written exam is 90-130 multiple-choice questions.
Must achieve a written exam score of 80% or great to continue to the oral interview.
The written examination will focus on current OCFA operational practices and modern management concepts and practices.
Study materials (Focused Fire Captain Study Materials)
Oral InTerview
Oral Interview - 15%
Must achieve a written exam score of 80% or greater to continue to the oral interview..
Must achieve 80% or greater on the Oral Interview to continue to the Fire Captain Academy.
Use the Oral Interview Preparation Resource
Sample fire captain oral interview questions:
Tell me about a time...
You motivated others to do something they didn't want to do. What tactics did you use and why do you believe you succeeded?
You were unsure about a decision you had to make. How did you make the decision?
You made a mistake that negatively impacted others. How did you handle it?
You demonstrated superior customer service.
You could have done more to serve the community. What would you do differently if faced with the same scenario today?
Imagine you're assigned to a crew where a member is not motivated to do his/her job well. How would you handle this?
Your BC reprimands you for an issue caused by a fire captain on another shift. How do you handle this?
Fire Captain Academy - 75% (6 Weeks)
Must achieve 80% or greater on the written exam and oral interview to qualify for the Fire Captain Academy.
Fire Captain Academy blocks:
Structural Strategy and Tactics
Wildland and All-Risk Strategy and Tactics
Leadership, Writing, and Documentation
Human Resources and Employee Relations
Academy Assessment Center
The academy is designed to teach the learning components, test on component knowledge, and then see the knowledge applied in the Academy Assessment Center.
Minimum passing score of 80% on each block and an overall combined score of 80% from each selection component.
Final scores will place fire captains on a ranked list
Fore more information, reference the current Fire Captain Recruitment Bulletin.