Heavy Fire Equipment Operator
The OCFA Heavy Fire Equipment Operator (HFEO) Apprenticeship Program is the result of collaborative discussions between Orange County Fire Authority Management and Local 3631.
This three phase program is intended to augment the current full-time HFEO’s through an apprenticeship process that provides successful candidates the knowledge, skills, and abilities to operate and transport all heavy equipment utilized by the OCFA. Experience is gained through a combination of classes, project work, as well as incident related experience, including but not limited to administrative assignments as well as in and out of county fire assignments.
Participation in the HFEO-A program by an employee in the Firefighter Unit is entirely voluntary.
*All details above are subject to change per concurrent MOU and/or Side Letter Agreement
Compensation During HFEO-A Training
Participants will retain the current post-position salary when operating in the capacity of an HFEO-Apprentice.
Compensation Upon Program Completion
Upon successful completion of the HFEO-A Training (Journeyman status), participants performing HFEO duties will receive a specialty pay equivalent to the difference between the top step hourly rate of their current classification and the step one hourly rate of the HFEO classification. In the event a participant promotes to the rank of Fire Captain while participating in the program, the employee will receive the compensation commensurate with their rank/position, and will not take a reduction in pay.
*All details above are subject to change per concurrent MOU and/or Side Letter Agreement
• Rank of Hand Crew Firefighter, Firefighter, or Fire Apparatus Engineer (Current OCFA personnel only)
• Supervisor concurrence
• Standard or higher rating on last employee performance reviews
*All details above are subject to change per concurrent MOU and/or Side Letter Agreement
• Recruitment opens
• Online application
• Cover memo of interest (indicate position or positions of interest)
• Resume (two pages maximum) outlining your education, experience and any other background information relating to this position
• Letter of supervisor's concurrence
• Inclusion of related certificates of training or related professional qualifications are also encouraged
Each recruitment is unique and is subject to change, dependent upon organizational needs and concurrent MOUs. The information provided here is based solely on previous recruitments. All OCFA recruitment flyers supersede this historical information provided.