Strike Team/ Overhead Refresher
(All Hazard)
This course will be a review of the AH-330, Strike Team / Task Force Leader and All Hazard curriculum in addition to a refresher in OCFA expectations for each of these positions as well as Overhead/Single Resources for the upcoming wildland season. The following objectives will be covered:
Demonstrate the ability to apply the Risk Management Process found in the Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) to various incidents.
Identify and describe the responsibilities of all Overhead positions.
Demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate tactics in various incident situations with various resources organized into strike teams or task forces.
Mandatory for Battalion Chiefs. Highly encouraged for FF, FAE, and Captains that are on an incident management team (State, Federal, Local) or single resource overhead positions (qualified or trainee).
Overtime is authorized exclusively for Strike Team Leaders or trainees.
OCFA Battalion Chiefs- On-duty attendance approved; coordinate with EDO on daily conference calls.
OCFA Operations personnel- Off-duty attendance only. No on-duty attendance or backfill approved.
OCFA Professional Staff- On-duty attendance requires supervisor approval.
Operations Personnel: Station uniform. No T-Shirts, shorts, or sandals.
Professional Staff: Staff Uniform or business casual.
Qualified as a Strike Team Leader (STL) OR Task Force Leader (TFL) OR trainee in each of these positions as well as all Overhead assignments.
Monday, April 15, 2024- OCFA RFOTC, Classroom 2
Monday, April 29, 2024- CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9
Tuesday, April 30, 2024*- CATF5 USAR Warehouse, Classroom 9
*If you cannot attend the in-person sessions, a video recording of the April 30th session will be available for review on Target Solutions. The deadline for completion will be June 1, 2024.
DC Craig Covey + Cadre